
General Questions

Bryan Shelton: 402.689.3668
Bart Pals: 641.430.2916
Email: apa@netins.net

Event Location

Hamilton County Fairgrounds
1200 Bluff Street
Webster City, IA 50595


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Frequently Asked Questions

Event Information

Is this poultry show sanctioned by the APA and/or the ABA?

Yes, this is a sanctioned event by both organizations. Class champions will be chosen (e.g. best and reserve SCCL).

How are the judges selected?

Judges are determined by vote based on the following criteria: honorable and knowledgeable, general licensed, ability to relay a message to an audience.

How much prize money will be awarded?

Prize money is determined by the number of birds entered. The top five placings are earned, all the rest are random draws throughout the day.

How many entries are expected?

Our original goal was around 200 top-quality birds. We have exceeded that in years past.

Why host this type of event?

To offer a viable alternative to our current purebred poultry show system based on quality rather than quantity. This event was organized to offer a show where virtually any bird could be correctly chosen as the show champion.

Why is the event in Webster City, Iowa?

Webster City has a new state-of-the-art arena built on their fairgrounds. We are also fortunate that Webster City is the hometown of our sponsor, Murray McMurray Hatchery.

Is there a junior show?


Is there a dress code for the show?

Yes, the dress code is “smart casual” (no jeans).

Entry Information

Do I have to be invited, or be a Master Breeder to enter?

Absolutely not, all are welcome.

What are the health requirements?

Entries must have a pullorum typhoid tested certificate, or a pullorum-free flock number.

Do you accept non-recognized breeds or varieties, and are they eligible to win prize money??

All breeds and varieties are welcome at the Master’s Cup Poultry Show.

The first five placings are “earned” and will be APA/ABA recognized breeds and varieties.

All other moneys will be randomly drawn. All birds are assigned a number, and numbers will be drawn throughout the day.

How should exhibits be displayed?

All birds will be cooped correctly (e.g. Japanese Bantams cooped in a medium size coop. Minorcas cooped in a double coop.

What is an Exhibitor Display?

Normal displays are cock, hen, cockerel, and pullet plus three additional birds — all of the same breed and variety.

The Exhibitor Display will be cock, hen, cockerel, pullet, plus three additional birds in your entry (e.g. White Wyandotte cock, Blue Rock hen, Royal Palm turkey cockerel, Grey Call pullet, plus three more birds on your entry form. This is simply a fun, additional competition.

Will there be a for sale area?

There will be a display area available for breeders to market their birds. Birds for sale must be displayed in show cages. Random cages are not allowed.