
Register now to compete for the coveted Master’s Cup in this year’s event.


Exhibitor Registration & Check-In

  • All exhibitors must check in between 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM on Friday afternoon at the AmericInn at 411 Closz Drive, Webster City, Iowa. The hotel will present you with a personalized packet containing your exhibitor number.
  • Bird check-in is at the exhibit hall from 12:00 noon and 6:00 PM on Friday afternoon. At the exhibit hall you will register and be given directions to your birds’ cages. Birds are only allowed in through the North or West walk-in doors.
  • An exhibitors list with everyone’s cage number will  be distributed on Saturday.
  • All exhibitors are encouraged to attend an informational social event at 6:00 PM on Friday evening, location TBA.

Exhibitor Instructions

  • The showroom will open at 7:00 AM on Saturday and remain open until judging begins at 10:00 AM, at which time all gates to the arena floor will close. Stadium-style seating is available for exhibitors to watch and listen to the judges. The emcee will update the audience concerning happenings in the arena.
  • Please note the show dress code: smart-casual, no jeans.
  • Exhibitors are only allowed into the show ring while gates are open.
  • Exhibitors are allowed to walk around the perimeter of the show area.
  • After judging is complete on Saturday, the showroom gates will be opened for exhibitors to attend to their birds. Gates close at 5:00 PM.
  • The formal Saturday evening banquet starts at 7:00 PM (ticket required) — social hour begins at 6:00 PM.
  • Birds will be released on Sunday morning as soon as possible. No early coop-outs will be allowed.

First-Time Exhibitor Tips

  • Make sure your birds have been tested for Pullorum.
  • Fill out the entry form and mail it in. Ensure you are aware of the entry closing date and fill it out completely including breed, variety, and sex. Be sure to indicate on the form if it is large fowl or bantam, and how many of each sex you are bringing.
  • Wash your birds about 7-10 days before the show. This provides the bird’s feathers time to replenish their natural oils and sheen prior to the show date when it needs to look its best.
  • Several days, if not weeks, prior to the show begin working on your bird’s temperament to ensure they will be calm and easy to handle for the judges. This is called coop training.
  • Most shows do provide bedding of some kind for the show. In most cases it will be pine shavings. There may not be enough for your personal preference, so you will want to be sure to bring a bag of bedding along with you. Most shows do provide a water cup, but some maybe too small or large depending on the breed you are bringing. We recommend you bring along a couple of cups per bird to your liking. Goose and duck exhibitors will likely want to bring larger containers for water rather than using the smaller cups the show provides. Some shows are one day and do not provide water cups. Most shows will have some kind of healthy feed or scratch grain available, but it may not be to your quality standards. Some exhibitors prefer to keep their bird(s) on the same diet and bring their own feed.
  • Arrive at the show early, if possible. For a two-day show, arrive early on Friday afternoon. This will cut down on the Saturday morning rush and give you time in case you forget something such as cleaning and grooming supplies, or clippers. This will also allow your birds to settle in and become more comfortable with the surroundings.
  • Enjoy the show, talk to other exhibitors, attend the seminars, visit the vendors to any purchases for supplies, and watch your birds being judged. Younger attendees, be aware of when your showmanship class is going to happen. After the birds are judged and the judge is free, feel free to ask him/her what they liked or disliked about your birds, or what you may need to do to improve your breeding.
  • On Sunday collect any awards you may have won. Wait for the show official to dismiss the show before you pack up all of your birds that you brought to the show. Don’t forget any birds you have purchased while you were there. Oddly enough, there are always birds left at the shows, and this causes problems for show officials to dispose of these birds.
  • Have a safe trip home.